Created by CaitlynCardetti
Caitlyn Cardetti on @RealScientists
150 Items
A collection of tweets for my curation of the #RoCur @RealScientists the week of January 19th, 2020
Mitochondrial Mysteries: Caitlyn Cardetti curates real Scientists
Real Scientists
Real Scientists is Stateside this week with Caitlyn Cardetti, (@CaitlynCardetti) a PhD candidate in molecular and cellular pharmacology at Stony Brook University in New York. Welcome to Real Scientists! Can you tell us about how you got into science? Honestly, I can't remember a light bulb moment of wanting to pursue STEM.
*NOTE: I didn't make the Wakelet soon enough so the name & photo reflects the next curator. But I promise you those are all my tweets, RealScientists - Caitlyn.