Created by delawarecurrent
Partnership for the Delaware Estuary: 2021 Science Summit
33 Items
Lots of Tweets to tell the story day by day
DAY 1 March 1, 2021
I sent a lot of Tweets out during the conference as a way to capture moments. Some Tweets have photos, some don't -- it all depended on how quickly I could get it all aligned. Also, the full context of each presentation can't be summed up in a Tweet! Luckily the Partnership is planning on getting ALL the videos of ALL the presenters up on its website in a couple of weeks. So check that out for the whole story.
And by the way, that's Colin O'Mara's headshot above. He's the president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation. He was the keynote speaker for day one -- and made news with his suggestion that instead of just being grateful for the federal funding that's coming to the Delaware watershed via the Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund -- it's time to THINK BIG, many millions big. He got a big thumbs up from Nathan Boon, William Penn Foundation; Sandra Meola, Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed, Danielle Kreeger and Kathy Klein from the Partnership.
Steve Tambini seized the moment to ask that we should "think even bigger." The next step in getting the Delaware even healthier will be the expensive infrastructure for wastewater treatment plants to reduce ammonia that's getting into the river.