Created by ColumbusJctPublicLibrary
Find Your Voice with Technology
7 Items
Digital Exhibit of Summer Reading Exhibits at CJPL for summer reading 2023
For in-library use only: feel free to experiment with our Little Bits electronics circuitry or the Dash Robot (which requires an ipad to control). These can be used in library at any time!
3D Pen is available for check out from the library (following the end of the Technology Exhibits); feel free to grab it and experiment at home! Manuals and inspiration included. Also, electronics stem kits are available for check-out as well!
Code Your Name in Jewelry STEM Fun for Kids
Introduce kids to binary code by teaching them to code their names - in jewelry!
Egg carton unplugged coding activity!
On the blog today we are sharing another awesome screen free coding activity. We love designing unplugged coding activities that use objects you can easily find around your house. That’s why we’ve previously designed unplugged
Coding Card Game: Learn to Code with a Deck of Cards!
Today I am going to be sharing a SUPER SIMPLE coding card game for kids. We use this activity to introduce kids to coding and to teach basic coding concepts and computational thinking skills. This
Algorithm Game For Kids (Free Printable)
Free printable algorithm game for kids that they can change over and over again. Screen free coding activity for easy STEM activities.
Hour of Code: Anybody can Learn
Use computer science to explore, play, and create!