Created by neilmcgarry007

Britannica International School Newsletter January 15th 2021

8 Items

All the latest news and information from Principal Neil McGarry


Parent Survey
On Monday, we sent out a link to our annual Parent Survey. Please do try and find a few minutes to complete it. The opinions, thoughts and ideas of our parents are very important to us and play a key role in how we decide on areas for development and improvement within the school. This year's survey has some additional questions that reflect the very different circumstances that the school has operated under over the last 12 months. I am keen to hear your views on our virtual events and our online provision. The deadline for completing the survey is Monday 25th January. I will, of course, feed back the findings, trends and patterns in the following weeks. If you missed the link on Monday, you can also find it within this Newsletter. Thank you, once again, for taking the time to complete the survey.


Winter fun
The arrival of the snow this week has certainly been enjoyable for the children. They had a great time playing out at break times and lunch times this week. It looks as though we are set for a few more snow falls next week, so please do ensure that your children have suitable clothing and footwear for the weather conditions.
Well done to all parents who drop their children off by car in the morning. The driving around the school entrances and car parks was sensible and everyone took great care. Thank you.


Development update
We continue to push on with our plans to gain permission to build additional classrooms at Britannica. It is slow going at the moment with many processes and meetings with the range of people involved in such projects being cancelled due to the ongoing COVID restrictions. We are hoping things will gradually move forward during 2021 and allow us to bring our plans to fruition during 2022. I will keep you updated as things develop this year.

And finally......
This week's quirky story involves a house fire in the UK and an unusual pet rescue!
Have a great weekend
Kind regards
Neil McGarry